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syoukoy RT @dankanemitsu: More details on #manga and #anime company Kadokawa CEO's decision against #Tokyo youth bill revision http://wp.me/pWnCN-3s
izumi_k RT @dankanemitsu: More details on #manga and #anime company Kadokawa CEO's decision against #Tokyo youth bill revision http://wp.me/pWnCN-3s
nghr_ccl RT @dankanemitsu: More details on #manga and #anime company Kadokawa CEO's decision against #Tokyo youth bill revision http://wp.me/pWnCN-3s
anima_777 [RANKING] #10: ブラック★ロックシューター -animation version- (1/8スケールPVC塗装済み完成品) http://dlvr.it/9xJtQ #anime #manga
anima_777 [ホビーRANK] #10: ブラック★ロックシューター -animation version- (1/8スケールPVC塗装済み完成品) http://dlvr.it/9xJtQ [RANKING] #anime #manga
informationq In the fact this bill is strange.The letter is "Harmful graphic should be exclusion,except real human graphic." Is this for childr
informationq By the way, one of advocates of Tokyo Revised Youth Ordinance Bill is the Unification Church. Why they hate manga expression? #manga #comic
haruhi1918 News:"Neko gami yaorozu" decision in the summer of 2011 TV anime broadcast » Anime Fan Tokyo http://bit.ly/dXe5QM #anime #manga
informationq Communist party says Tokyo metropolitan stretch the concept too far. What is the authority that manga expression is harmfulness? #manga
informationq Communist party says Tokyo metropolitan stretch the concept too far. What is the authority that manga expression is harmfulness. #manga
informationq Communist party says Tokyo metropolitan stretch the concept too far. What is the authority that Manga expression is harmfulness. #manga
informationq Tokyo communist party lawmakers announced a opposite statement to Revised Youth Ordinance Bill(manga expression control code). #manga #comic
aoba_mashirao But does not regulate sexual expression of a novel, would ban all anime. #anime #comic #manga 
haruhi1918 ハヤテのごとく!!劇場版制作決定 本当?Is the theater version production decision true like Hayate no gotoku? #anime #manga
anima_777 [フィギュア] #10: ブラック★ロックシューター -animation version- (1/8スケールPVC塗装済み完成品) http://dlvr.it/9bLhf [RANKING] #anime #manga
informationq 3 Japanese manga creater unions announced a opposite statement to Revised Youth Ordinance Bill(manga expression control code). #manga
animateonline 再掲:07th Expansion様が送るサウンドノベル、「うみねこのなく頃に」が堂々の完結!「うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode8 Twilight of the golden witch 」→http://bit.ly/hDuJPu
animateonline 再掲:07th Expansion様の新作が全部欲しい人はこれで注文すると楽ですよ!「うみねこのなく頃に散EP8・うみねこのなく頃に翼・黄金無想曲 新作3点セット」→http://bit.ly/hjS5et
animateonline 07th Expansion様が送るサウンドノベル、「うみねこのなく頃に」が堂々の完結!「うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode8 Twilight of the golden witch 」→http://bit.ly/hDuJPu
animateonline 07th Expansion様の新作が全部欲しい人はこれで注文すると楽ですよ!「うみねこのなく頃に散EP8・うみねこのなく頃に翼・黄金無想曲 新作3点セット」→http://bit.ly/hjS5et
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